Street Photography with the Fujifilm X30

Street photography is fun, a LOT of fun. I’ve always enjoyed looking at street photography whether it’s from the old masters who invented the genre or the many many photographers out there today taking great street photos. Only recently however did I get fully bitten by it. I’ve taken a few images here and there over the years but they were just random off the cuff moments that I saw while documenting other things while putting together a blog post on a particular place.

Since moving to Hobart, Tasmania I’ve suddenly gotten the urge to shoot street photography on purpose, that is to go out with the sole intention of doing street photography. It’s become an addiction, albeit a really enjoyable one with little or no side effects. I know it’s not to everyone’s liking and there are many who heartily disapprove of having their image taken. Street photographers don’t want to harass you or cause you concern, we just want to document the people around us going about their lives. Every person does not make a great subject so if you’ve had your picture taken then it means you have an interesting face or fashion sense or were doing something interesting at the time, so it’s kind of a compliment in a way πŸ™‚

Lady with dogs

My first ever street photograph taken back in 2006! I think this sparked a love for street photography that has only recently ignited into a full on desire to shoot street. The Fujifilm X30 is the perfect tool for the job. The X10 was great and I’m sure the X20 also but the new bells and whistles they’ve added to the X30 really round out the package nicely. My favourite addition is the control wheel on the lens which depending on how you set it up works as a focus wheel. Previously you had to rotate the dial on the back of the camera for manual focus and it was really slow.

I think it would have been fine for the style of street photography I’ve fallen into however. There are numerous schools of thought on the best way to shoot the streets but you know what? The best way is the one that you like and that suits you. If you want to be a stealthy stand off ninja shooting with a 400mm lens then that’s great. If you want to blast people in the face with a flash while pointing a fisheye lens in their face then that’s fine too (Although you may get punched in the face/annoy people).

My approach is to set my lens to 28mm and manual focus. Exposure wise I often go Manual at 1/250th anywhere between F4-F8 depending on the brightness. I’ll use AUTO ISO set to max ISO 800 or 1600 when it starts to get dark. The X30 has a smaller sensor than say the Sony RX100 but larger than your run of the mill compact camera. So you benefit from that nice increase in depth of field but suffer with increased noise in low light. I wouldn’t go over ISO 1600 personally except maybe 3200 if I’m shooting for black and white. With manual focus dialled in at around 2 feet I get everything in focus when stopped down to the F4-5.6 range. The focus assist feature on the X30 is great as the coloured highlights on the in-focus edges make manual focussing so easy.

I always shoot in colour, usually Classic Chrome and then edit in black and white if needs be. While editing the images below I noticed I left a lot of them in colour, which I had previously uploaded to Instagram in black and white. I found a lovely Kodachrome-esque curve the other day and I’ve been enjoying the style of that. But James, the Fuji already has Classic Chrome, why not just use the OOC jpegs from that? It’s rare that I’ll use a straight out of the camera image, I like to add a bit more colour and contrast and punchyness.

I love the Fujifilm X30, it’s a fantastic camera for street photography and suits my needs just fine. There’s far too much bitching and trolling on the internet about which camera is better and why this camera sucks and that camera blows. It’s nonsense, utter nonsense. I’d happily shoot with any camera released in the past few years, the technology has come along so far that it’s almost impossible to have a crap camera these days. If ever I get an image from the X30 that I’m not happy with, it has nothing to do with the camera, it performs flawlessly every time. I think too many photographers jump the gun and blame their camera when it’s perhaps themselves they should be looking at. I’ve had the Fuji for a good while now and using it has become second nature to me. If you’re at that level of familiarity with your camera and know exactly what it’s going to do, getting the shot you envision in your mind becomes a lot easier.

This is more of a daily use article then a full review of the Fujifilm X30, there’s tonnes of reviews out there with 100% crops and dozens of the same image of cats or books at different ISOs if that’s what you’re looking for in a camera. Me personally, I prefer to just get out and shoot and enjoy the experience of shooting with a camera that just feels damn good to take pictures with.

The shots below have been taken over the past month or two around Hobart. I often wander the streets after work rather than setting out with street photography in mind. It’s quite rewarding to just get out there and walk around and see what you come across.

Further Reading:


If you’d rather watch a video of images then here’s two I uploaded to YouTube recently, otherwise feel free to scroll through the images below.


 DSCF2528 DSCF3343 DSCF3368 DSCF3607 colour DSCF4073 DSCF4117 DSCF4212 DSCF4477 DSCF4563 DSCF4569 DSCF4578 DSCF4601 DSCF5032 DSCF6066 DSCF6148 colour DSCF6275 DSCF6317 DSCF6454 DSCF6724 DSCF6801 DSCF6830 DSCF6860 DSCF6886 DSCF6922 DSCF6960 DSCF7039 DSCF7046 DSCF7098 DSCF7162 DSCF7237 DSCF7360 DSCF7381 DSCF8014 DSCF8036 DSCF8156 DSCF8180 DSCF8227 DSCF8240 DSCF8242 DSCF8321

21 thoughts on “Street Photography with the Fujifilm X30

  1. I really like these photos! I’ve just bought a fuji x30 and I’m gonna use it for street photography. What kind of setting did you use to obtain that effect? Best wishes, Mik – Italy

        1. Okey dokey, well I usually go aperture priority and auto ISO set to 800 and then set an aperture of 5.6 or more. I set my focus to 1.5 meters or so and knock it into manual focus to make sure it doesn’t change. Then it’s just a case of pointing and shooting really πŸ™‚

  2. Great comments based on hands-on experience of the camera. Thank you! You are so right in that most of the latest cameras are more than enough for an amateur hobbyist. “Good photographs” depend on whether you can a) use your camera b) have it with you and c) you have an eye for what makes good composition. Even if others don’t like your photos, as long as you do, isn’t that good enough?

  3. Hi, I am sure that you have Ben asked this before….do you shoot in RAW and tweak or are all your images tweaked jpegs ?. I love your images they areven very vibrant. Thanks Ian.

  4. Nice blogs, and as I have just bought an X10 and also an X30, I am trying to learn more about the cameras and find your site a good source of inspiration.

    I am looking to experiment with street soon.

    I am enjoying some landscape photography, and experimenting with film types and also filter simulations such as B&W with a red filter.

    So I have been using non-standard film types, such as velvia and mono shooting, and you like to use chrome. Considering that I shoot at -1 comp, I always look at and tweak my images in Photoshop Elements.

    If I tweak everything would I be better off just shooting without any filters or effects, and apply any filters in PSE afterwards, thereby having most creative flexibility because I am starting with a neutral image? I am thinking that whilst in-camera processing and filters might give me more pleasing initial images, it restricts me later.

    Noting that you like to shoot chrome, and like to produce great images that you enjoy, do you find that it takes less tweaking to work and shoot that way, and stops you being too worried by trying to achieve natural colour balance etc for street shots? Perhaps natural colour balance and street shooting don’t go together anyway, either because of a mix of different light sources and/or converting to mono.

    Would you still shoot in chrome if you were doing landscape in the countryside for example? By no means am I suggesting that your images are not colour correct, they look good to me.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Hi Brian,

      I just leave it in chrome all the time. Probably would be better to shoot velvia for landscapes but I do a fair bit of editing in Photoshop anyway so I don’t focus too much on the image I get out of the camera.

  5. I’ve had my X30 for a few years now and used it for photos and small movies, and if Fuji had come out with an X40 I would instantly buy it.
    This camera is great for many things including street and personally I love the size factor.
    Unlike many I do shoot and use the film filters straight out of camera including black and white. I like the fun aspect of it and the results are pretty good.

  6. Excellent Fujifilm X30 information. I, too, own and love the X30. I no longer own a DSLR, finding the X30 and X100S to be sufficient for me. I wish Fuji would release an X40, with a touch-screen (for video touch focus and street photography). -I appreciate the time and energy invested in these blogs!-

    1. Thanks for the kind words and yes I’d love them to make an X40 but I doubt it will happen now. The Nikon DL line was intriguing but that being canned showed the market just wasn’t there unfortunately πŸ˜•

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