Inception (The Museum)

The museum in Hradec Kralove is itself a museum. A museum within a museum. And in that museum within a museum, there’s a diorama with a small model of the museum, which is in the museum within the museum…….MIND BLOWN. The exhibits are divided up into the usual chronological order you see in museums, starting … More Inception (The Museum)

Adventure Time

Last weekend we finally got around to exploring beyond Pardubice, and decided to pay a visit to Hradec Králove, the regional capitol of the neighbouring Kraj or district. A Kraj is divided into counties so it’s more akin to a province. Anyhoo geographical complexities aside, Hradec Králove came highly recommended by the community on, a fantastic … More Adventure Time

When can we move in?

As you now know, I find swans rather amusing, but they aren’t Pardubice’s only ornithological delight. Down in the old town lies a sprawling complex surrounded by shaded groves of willow trees. The walls are vast and a brilliant white, blending in nicely with the snow the past few days. All along the fortifications there … More When can we move in?